Active ingredients of wheatgrass juice - Organic Wheatgrass Juice - directly from the farmer

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a jó közérzete, a vitalitása napi 200 Ft-ot?


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The active ingredients of wheatgrass juice
Wheatgrass juice is extremely rich in biologically precious materials, this is why it has become greatly respected between the followers of the healthy nourishment of modern ages. Let's see which are these components that grant the excessively versatile effect of wheatgrass juice.
Perhaps the most important active ingredient of wheatgrass is chlorophyll, to which the plant owes also its vivid green colour. It has an elemental necessity in the flora, it can also be regarded as the blood of plants, because chlorophyll is responsible for producing organic compounds during photosynthesis. Chlorophyll also has a notable effect regarding the human organism, namely the oxygen supplement of blood and cells improves, therefore inflammations in the organism are reduced or they even completely disappear. Besides this, chlorophyll detoxifies our organism and impedes the alluvium of toxic materials accumulated in our organism.
The adequate amount and quality of vitamin supply is essential for the optimal function of the organism. Vitamins take part in cell regeneration and ease the possibility of protein and carbohydrate absorption. The juice of wheatgrass is a rich vitamin source. Mentioning only a few of these, vitamin A guarantees growing and optimal sharp vision, the host of vitamin B-s are in charge of the maintenance of our organism's energy level, and they are the effective supporters of brain functioning and the neurotic system. The juice's high vitamin C content takes part in strengthening the immune system, and preserving the health of teeth and gum. Vitamin E, which dissolves in fat, is important due to its heart-protecting and antioxidant features. It protects the heart, and defends us from muscular dystrophy.

Besides vitamins and chlorophyll, minerals form another important group of components of wheatgrass. It is one of the several plants that contain every existing mineral that our organism needs. However, we can also find the most important amino acids and proteins in wheatgrass juice.
Enzymes form the other crucial group of components, which can be strongly tied to every action of our body. Digestion, thinking and blood circulation all depend on the effect of dozens of enzymes. The active enzymes of wheatgrass juice detoxify the organism, improve the blood supply of the body, and are in charge of binding the free radicals gathered in the organism. Let us see some enzymes that affect the appropriate function of our organism. Not only various antioxidants belong here, but also lipase, which is responsible for the dissimilation of fat, and SOD (superoxide dismutase), which has the effect of impeding cell aging. And these are only a few from hundreds.
Another important group is the group of minerals. Wheatgrass contains a prominently high amount of iron, which is helpful in overwhelming anaemia. But the magnesium and sodium in it have a remarkable role in the ordinary function of muscles and bones, digestion and excretion. The effect of various trace elements became important in preventing and surmounting tumorous diseases.
Amino acids are responsible for cell regeneration, cell supply and hormone production. They are absorbed directly in blood, and are able to neutralize toxins in blood. If we supply the amino acids missing from our organism, we might even reverse allergic diseases and we can do quite a lot for the rejuvenation of our organism.

Vajon megér Önnek az egészsége,
a jó közérzete, a vitalitása napi 200 Ft-ot?


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S13 8AW
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